Today is Tyler's 6th birthday. He was supposed to be in school but has been running a fever so he didn't go today. Instead him and girls came here. He came in the door scanning the room for presents. I set it on the table in plain sight so he didn't have to look far. Of course we had to have something wrapped for Hannah too.
Just what I wanted. A father and son hunting stuff. And a pack of Superman balls.

The mailman came with a package from Melissa out in Colorado Springs. Just some clothes.

But wait, whats this in the bottom of the box?

Now it was apparently something he really wanted because he was pretty excited about it.

Here it is, whatever it is. All I know is that its round and when you throw it on the floor it pops open and something is inside. So all afternoon he's throwing this thing on the floor and loving it.

Hannah and Chloe are starting to really enjoy each others company. They love to lay on the floor together and watch tv. I peeked in on them the other day and they were laying there holding hands.

Hannah says she has to hold onto Chloe's hand because she keeps hitting her.

Here's evidence that Hannah is telling the truth.
Hang onto her hands Hannah.
